Friday, December 30, 2011


A whole month has gone by since I last wrote and I am now back in Australia after spending the past 6 months in London recording the new album. We are very close to having the final mixes done now. It is so inspiring to hear all the songs together and almost complete!

Recording the string quartet for my song Storm in the Weather was one of the most rewarding musical moments of my career so far.

It was also great to come home to the South Coast of NSW and spend some time with my son and family after being away for so long. It hasn't really felt much like summer here yet, but we did get to the beach on Christmas Day for a swim which was good. The ocean down here is so clear and beautiful, even though the water is freezing!

Really looking forward to the next phase which will find me living near Sydney again and preparing for the album's release in 2012.

Happy New Year and my good wishes to you for 2012 being the best year ever...

Early morning rainbow at sunrise. South Coast NSW. Dec 2011